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Favorite Things Forms for your teacher or staff member!
Are you a CWE teacher or staff member? If you would like to fill out a form or edit your answers, please email board@cedarwaypto.com, and we will send you the link!
Mai Smith, Intermediate ISES 4th-6th
Bridget Grennan, Intermediate ISES 4th-6th
Carla Dorsey, Title 1 Reading K-3
Christine LaSalle, Title 1 K-3
Jennifer Taylor, Title 1
Leann Onishi, Reading Support
Charles Sciutti
Jacob Grennan
Karen Cook
MC Horrigan
Zachary Carlson
Careylin Griffin, Food Service
Kevin Nelson, Head Custodian
Shelly Haynes, Night Custodian
Wijitha Seneviratne, Food Service​
Ashlee Worrasangasilpa, Speech Language Pathologist
Belen Robasti, Family Resources
Cheryl Schultz, Office Secretary
Christopher Lindblom, Principal
Courtney McReady, Psychologist/Counselor
Kate Hodapp, Physical Therapist
Katie West, Psychologist
Kerri Grennan, Intervention Coordinator
Mackenzie Light, Occupational Therapist
Melissa Brown-Gibbons, Resource
Patrick Roach, Nurse